Where are Ireland’s Sustainable flood defences?
We are looking for Natural Water Retention Measure (NWRM) case study examples across Ireland.
NWRM’s are multi-functional measures that can protect water resources and address water-related challenges by restoring or maintaining ecosystems as well as natural features and characteristics of water bodies using natural means and processes. This work is part of the EPA funded SloWaters (a Strategic LOok at natural WAter reTention mEasuRes) project and is being delivered by Trinity College Dublin, University College Cork, James Hutton Institute and Newcastle University.
One objective of the project is to scope the current level of catchment-based NWRM case studies (e.g. in peatlands, forests and agricultural area) that have been implemented or are being planned in Ireland. An example case could be a small scale project (e.g. farm level measures or river reach restoration) to full catchment restoration (e.g. large scale tree planting or peatland restoration). We are specifically looking for rural catchment-based cases and are not collating information on urban (such as a SuD scheme) or coastal case studies.
In order to do this we would like get information from you about any case studies you may have implemented or may be implementing. You may have implemented measures for flood risk management purposes or to improve water quality and ecological habitat (e.g. to meet WFD targets). Therefore many measures that currently function as NWRM may not have originally been installed for that purpose so it would be great to obtain information on these cases too. We are collecting this information through a short survey of 12 questions which can be accessed via the link below
If you have any questions on the project or survey objectives then please contact Mark Wilkinson (Mark.wilkinson@hutton.ac.uk). Our Twitter handle is @NWRM_Ire.
Survey about Ireland’s Sustainable Flood Defences – Become a part of it!