Literature Search Tool & Results

Literature Search Tool

Slowaters team of NBS experts have reviewed and distilled the large pool of international literature, reports and case studies on Nature based solutions (NBS) in catchment headwaters, flood risk and diffuse pollution management. Currently this literature repository holds 58 documents, which will be added to throughout the SloWaters project (ending 2/2024).

How to Use filters:

Literature is divided into General information on NBS and Particular NBS measures.  Each category can be refined further, described in each section below, to assist you in locating the literature most relevant to your interest. 

Document type filter allows you to select Journal Articles published in peer reviewed scientific publications, Reports including manuals, guides, evidence, frameworks, atlas, guidelines, handbooks and Case studies. 

General Information on NBS

Literature that reviews the general processes and guidance behind nature based solutions in general. You can narrow your search by selecting from the following filter options:

Risk to:  All – Flood  – Water Quality – Both (flood & water quality).

Which region: All –  EU (mainland) – Ireland – UK  – World.

Document type: All – Journal Article – Report.

Particular Measures of NBS

Particular measures include case studies of international best practice, scientific evidence reviews and processes of implementing these measures.

Landscape type: All – River & Floodplains – Woodlands – Soil & runoff management – Wetlands/Peatlands

Risk to: All – Flood – Water Quality – Both (flood & water quality)

Region: All –  EU (mainland) – Ireland – UK  – World.

Document type: All – Journal Article – Report – Case Study

Plain text literature

Plain text articles on NBS information and measures.

Literature that reviews the general processes and guidance behind nature based solutions in general. You can narrow your search by selecting from the following filter options:

Risk to:  All – Flood  – Water Quality – Both (flood & water quality).

Which region:  All – Global – EU (mainland) – UK – Ireland

Document type: All – Journal Articles – Reports.

Filter types:

Landscape type: All – River & Floodplains – Woodlands – Soil & runoff management – Wetlands/Peatlands

Risk to: All – Flood – Water Quality – Both (flood & water quality)

Region: All – Global – EU (mainland) – UK – Ireland

Document type: All – Journal Articles – Reports – Case Studies

Plain text articles on NBS information and measures.


Title & Link to article Overview
Working with Natural Processes evidence directory (2018) Environment Agency (Eng), 304 pgs

This detailed report presents the current state of the scientific evidence underpinning a range of Natural Flood Management measures from the headwaters to coasts (14 measures in total). It does this by settign out scientfic confidence levels for each measure. Its also explains ‘what we know’ and ‘what we don’t know’ about the effectiveness of these measures from a flood risk and ecosystem services perspective.

Natural Flood Management measures: A practical guide for farmers. West cumbris Rivers Trust, (2018) 36 pgs.

Another practical Natural Flood Management guide for farmers that is written in plain English and has a series of well presented illustrations. Its focus is for farmers in the North-West of England and covers both lowland and upland Natural Flood Management measure types.

Challenges of spatial flood risk management. Hartmann et al. (2022), 7 pgs

Reviews the challenges which point to the key issues of spatial flood risk management, highlighting the problems of scale, connectivity and governance.

Soils and Natural Flood Management: Devon and Cornwall. Smith, R. (2017), 37 pgs.

Succinct and accessible guide to soil hydrology and management tips for soils under tillage, forest, pasture and peat. It was published for the East Devon Catchment Partnership to shows how good soil managements is fundamental to effective nature-based flood management. It is pitched at organisations who are working in partnership with farmers trying to deal with runoff problems.

Lowland Natural Flood Management measures: a practical guide for farmers. Dales to Vales River network, (2019) 17 pgs.

This guide focuses on lowland measures and was developed for farmers in the Yorkshire Dales. Its written in plain English and has nice easy to understand diagrams and pictures. It sets out issues such as build costs and mainagement cost in a low/medium/high rating. It was developed for farmers and those tasked with implementing Natural Flood Management schemes.

Natural Flood Management: A practical guide for farmers. Yorkshire Dales National Park (2018), 28 pgs.

This is a quick access summary, presenting each measure on one page with a build and cost guide on farms. The guide was developed for farmers and land managers of the Yorkshire Dales National Park but some findings could be applicable to elsewhere in the UK and Ireland. Listed are the key locations, type of measures and costs for the set-up and maintenance of each measure specifically.

Natural Flood Management: A farmer’s guide. SRUC (2019), 32 pgs.

Useful if you’re new to the topic of Natural Water Retention Measures and want to get an overview of what’s possible with Natural Water Retention Measures on your farm and how it can be done. It has with excellent images and serves as an introductory guide and overview of the suite of small and large scale Natural Water Retention Measures schemes using case studies. It covers a number of measures.

Engineering with Nature: An Atlas version 2. US corp Eng. (2021), 342 pgs.

A very visual and inspiring atlas that showcases 62 Nature-Based Solutions type projects internationally. The atlas covers both catchment and coastal measures and is designed to be accessble to a wide range of stakeholders. It was developed by the Engineering With Nature initiative which is led by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is the second edition of the atlas.

Engineering with Nature: An Atlas version 1. US corp Eng.,(2018), 280 pgs.

A very visual and inspiring atlas that showcases 56 Nature-Based Solutions type projects internationally. The atlas covers both catchment and coastal measures and is designed to be accessble to a wide range of stakeholders. It was developed by the Engineering With Nature initiative which is led by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

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