

  • Quinn, P. (2024) How to design and build NbS on Irish farms for flooding at SloWaters Workshop, 23 May 2024, Wexford. | PDF
  • Murphy, D. (2024) Studies in flood peak attenuation and water quality using Nature-based Solutions. SloWaters Workshop, 23 May 2024, Wexford. | PDF
  • Quinn, P. (2024) Wexford Demonstration Features: Quantification and scaling of Flood Impacts or Data, Maps, Models and Metrics! at SloWaters Workshop, 23 May 2024, Wexford. | PDF
  • Bourke, M.C. (2024) What’s next?  SloWaters Workshop, 23 May 2024, Wexford. | PDF
  • Wilkinson, M. (2024) Reflections from the day. SloWaters Workshop, 23 May 2024, Wexford. | PDF
  • Bourke, M.C., Quinn, P. Wilkinson, M., and Hewitt, C. (2024) The potential efficacy of Nature-based solutions for flood mitigation in agricultural settings, 11 April 2024, Geomorphology Association of Ireland Annual Workshop. Galway. | PDF
  • Bourke, M.C., and Duffy, C.  (2024) The current opportunity and ecological functions of
    natural large woody debris in Irish rivers,  11 April, Geomorphology Association of Ireland Annual Workshop. Galway. | PDF
  • Quinn, P., R. Adams, M. Wilkinson, M. Stutter, P.-E. Mellander and M. C. Bourke (2024). Using high resolution temporal data and modelling to better target the impact of Nature-Based Solutions on N, P, and sediment. 5th International Workshop on High Temporal Resolution Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis. Scotland. | POSTER


  • Wilkinson, M. et al., [INVITED] (2023) From challenges to solutions: Implementing nature-basd solutions for water quality and quantity management at Teagasc Catchment Science Conference 2023, 7-9 November, Wexford. | PDF
  • Quinn, P. et al., (2023) Simulation of the Impact of Nature- Based Solutions on Diffuse Pollution in Ballycanew at Teagasc Catchment Science Conference 2023, 7-9 November, Wexford. | PDF
  • Murphy, D. (2023) The impacts of an offline flood storage area (OSA) on peal flows, water quality and pasture health at Teagasc Catchment Science Conference 2023, 7-9 November, Wexford. | POSTER
  • Bourke, M.C. et al., (2023) SloWaters, Poster delivered at the EPA Water Conference (June 2023) | PDF
  • Wilkinson, M. et al., (2023) Sharing best practice and enhancing the benefits of Nature-based Solutions. delivered at Geographic Society of Ireland Annual Conference, May 2023. | PDF
  • Bourke, M.C. (2023) Nature-based Solutions for Water Quality and Flooding in Wexford, community event, Conference of Irish Geographers | PDF
  • Murphy, D. (2023) Nature-based Catchment Management Solutions in practice on an Irish Farm.  IFSA 10 March.  | PDF
  • Murphy, D. (2023) Nature-based Solutions for Catchment Management in practice on an Irish Farm. Environ, Donegal | PDF
  • Murphy, D (2023) The effects of an offline flood storage area (OSA) on peak flows, water quality and pasture health. IRD Duhallow EIP closing conference, Cork | POSTER


  • Bourke, M.C. [INVITED] (2022) Nature-based solutions for flood mitigation, The River Habitat Forum, Inland Fisheries Ireland.
  • Bourke, M.C. [INVITED] (2022) The Physical modification of Ireland’s Rivers and the opportunity for nature-based approaches. Irish Wildlife Trust and SWAN webinar. | Video
  • Bourke, M.C. [INVITED] Floods & Nature, Cavan-Monaghan Science Festival.
  • Bourke, M. C., Wilkinson, M. E., and Srdjevic, Z., (2022), Nature based solutions for flow reduction in catchment headwaters, in Hartmann, T., Slavikova, L., and Wilkinson, M. E., eds., Spatial Flood Risk management: Implementing Catchment-Based Retention and Resilience on Private Land, Edgar Elgar.
  • Raška, P., N. Bezak, C. S. S. Ferreira, Z. Kalantari, K. Banasik, M. Bertola, M. Bourke, et al., (2022). Identifying barriers for nature-based solutions in flood risk management: An interdisciplinary overview using expert community approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 310: 114725. 


  • Bourke, M. C. (2021) [INVITED]. Natural Water Retention for flood mitigation in Ireland. National Flood Management Conference Dublin, Ireland, CMG Events, Engineers Ireland.
  • Laue, P., Quinn, P., Bourke, M., Murphy, D., Wilkinson, M., Harrison, S., and Weatherill, J. (2021) Achieving Flood Reduction with Natural Water Retention Measures in Agricultural Catchments in Ireland, EGU General Assembly 2021, EGU21-13519. | PDF 
  • Laue, P. (2021). Achieving flood reduction with Natural Water Retention Measures in agricultural catchments in Ireland. Geography Postgrad Symposium, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. | PDF


  • Laue, P. (2020). Achieving flood reduction with Natural Water Retention Measures in agricultural catchments in Ireland. Geography Postgrad Symposium, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. | PDF
  • Murphy, D. (2020). The potential for Natural Water Retention Measures (NWRM) to improve water quality in agricultural catchments. Irish Freshwater Sciences Association 2nd Annual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. | PDF
  • Laue, P. (2020). Ballygow, Co. Wexford – Demonstration site for NWRM in agricultural landscapes in Ireland. An Forum Uisce Meeting, Dublin Ireland. | PDF
  • Murphy, D. (2020). Leades Farm, Rusheen Co. Cork – Demonstration site testing flood-peak & water quality effects of Natural Water Retention Measures. An Forum Uisce Meeting, Dublin Ireland. | PDF


  • Bourke, M.C., S. Harrison, P. F. Quinn and M. Wilkinson (2019). A strategic look at natural water retention measures in Ireland. Catchment Science Conference, Teagasc, Wexford.
  • Bourke, M.C. [INVITED] (2019). A strategic look at natural water retention measures in Ireland. Natural Water Retention Measures Working Group, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Bourke, M.C. [INVITED] (2019), Using the natural landscape to manage floods sustainably. The Cork Nature Network, Cork, Ireland. Video
  • Bourke, M.C., S. Harrison, P. F. Quinn and M. Wilkinson (2019). A strategic look at natural water retention measures in Ireland. EGU General Assembly 2019, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-18336, 2019. | PDF
  • Bourke, M.C. (2019) [INVITED] Natural Water Retention Measures, Planning for the Future: How can we use nature-based solutions in river catchments? National Biodiversity Conference, Dublin castle, 8& 9 June 2022. | Video
  • Bourke, M.C. (2019) [INVITED] SloWater: A strategic look at Natural Water Retention Measures.EPA Showcase, Trinity College, Dublin. 
  • Quinn, P., Barber, N., Wilkinson, M., (2019) The Ditch of the Future: Managing Flow and Pollution Rates in Agricultural Systems, Catchment Science Conference, Teagasc, Wexford. | PDF
  • Wilkinson, M., Baggio C., Quinn, P., Bourke, M. and Stutter, M. (2019) A margin of error? Assessing effectiveness and placement of grassed and raised field margins to enhance multiple benefits. Catchment Science Conference, Teagasc, Wexford. | PDF


  • Bourke, M.C. (2018) The potential for Natural Flow Retention Measures in Ireland, Conference of Irish Geographers, Maynooth.
  • Bourke, M.C. (2018) Natural Water Retention in Ireland’s Native Woodlands. Native Woodlands Conference, Delgany, Co. Wicklow.
  • Bourke, M.C. (2018) Future-proofing Ireland for river floods: The potential for Natural Flood Management. Vol. 20. | PDF
  • Bourke, M.C. (2018) [INVITED] Extreme weather impacts in northwest Ireland. An education and awareness event on natural flood management, Inishowen Rivers Trust, Co. Donegal, Ireland, 19th February 2018. | PDF | Video
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